I enjoy my work. Whether I'm creating something for myself, or for a particualr client, I take a systematic, intuituve approach to composition of an object, a picture plane, or an interaction. I find joy in the overlap between my studio practice and my commissioned and connercial projects by constantly learning through new opportunities.  for spontaneity to occur within a controlled framework.  I celebrate the excessive mess generated by extreme focus. The joy in following an obsession with repetition, the physicality of material manipulation, and the absurdity of the human condition. I am interested in blurring the line between work and play, and combining the "slick" and the "school Play" aesthetic to create things that are original, yet familar and earnestly accessible to everyone.


Abby Manock is a prolific multi-genre artist, professional crafter, and visual designer working in the fine arts, as well as tv, film and phiotoshoot. Her work includes: mural design and painting, miniuatures, social sculpture, interactive performance, costume design, experimental games, public intervention, as well as more traditional disciplines of drawing, sculpture, video, prop and set design/fabrication, textile design, illustration, and teaching. 

Born in Palo Alto, CA, 1977, Abby moved to Burlington, Vermont with her family at age 8, and has lived and worked in NYC since 2005. Her work has been included in museum and gallery exhibitions, music, art, and gaming festivals, and educational institutions across the US and abroad, and contiunues add to an ongoing list of collaborators and corporate, public, and private clients.

Abby received her BA from Colby College in 1999, Post-Bacc Certificate from the SMFA, Boston in 2003, and her MFA from Columbia University in 2007.